How to Judge the Bioavailability of Waste Water by B / C Ratio
Are these six things wrong?
Therefore, it is very important to determine the biodegradability of wastewater for the selection of treatment methods, determination of influent volume and organic load of biochemical treatment section.
Water dilution
Can cause a decrease in the concentration of substances that inhibit microorganisms
The organic matter itself is the main COD contribution, the B / C is higher at low concentration, and the biochemistry is better, but when the concentration reached a certain degree, it will have a negative effect on the microbe;
It has no contribution to BOD5 and CO DCr, and it is common for salt.
Introduced into water samples
Inoculated with undomesticated microbes
Some organic pollutants
Difficult to degrade under aerobic conditions
When degraded
Changes in pH to prevent the reaction
Ignoring the effect of the wastewater's own temperature
Aerobic room temperature 15 ~ 30 °C, medium temperature 30 ~ 40 °C, high temperature 50 ~ 60 °C.
Reaction is limited by the physical form of the dissolved oxygen bottle
Comparison of Methods for Determining Biodegradability of Wastewater
Set t1 as the time when methylene blue was
discolored by waste water and t2 as the time
when methylene blue was discolored by domestic
sewage. According to the comparison of fading
time, it can be concluded that:
When t1 = t2, there is no substance that can prevent the growth of microbe in the waste water;
When t1 < t2, the biochemistry of the waste water is good and it is easy to be treated by biochemistry.
When t1 > t2, the waste water is toxic to the active sludges and will prevent the growth of microbe.